GIANTFab - Publications
Demonstrating a robust publication record helps us when we request support for GIANTFab’s maintenance and expansion. Including GIANTFab in your acknowledgments makes it it easy for us to compile our publication list. Please include the following text in your acknowledgments when publishing work that makes use of the GIANTFab Core Facility.
Citation: “This work made use of the GIANTFab core facility at Northwestern University. GIANTFab is supported by the Paula M. Trienens Institute for Sustainability and Energy and the Office of the Vice President for Research at Northwestern.”
Details of the GIANTFab instrumentation suitable for the Experimental/Materials and Methods section of your publications are as follows:
JV Testing System
The current density–voltage (J–V) curves were obtained using a Keithley 2400 source–measure unit under simulated AM 1.5 G irradiation (100 mW cm-2) using a Xe arc lamp from a ScienceTech A1 Light Line Class AAA solar simulator. The light from the solar simulator was directed through a fiber optic cable into a nitrogen-atmosphere glovebox (H2O and O2 < 1 ppm). The light intensity, spatial uniformity, and temporal stability were factory-calibrated using traceable reference detectors, and the light intensity was periodically field-checked using a factory-calibrated reference cell, which was itself calibrated on traceable reference equipment.
EQE Testing System
External quantum efficiency (EQE) was measured using a ScienceTech Tunable Light Source (150 W). The light from a Xe arc lamp was passed through a Arcus 9055 monochromator and a ThorLabs chopper (30 Hz), and then through a fiber optic cable into a nitrogen-atmosphere glovebox (H2O and O2 < 1 ppm). The output current was measured using a Stanford Research Systems SR810 lock-in amplifier. A ScienceTech SCI425CMA wideband reference detector was used as a reference.
LED Testing System
LED output was measured in a nitrogen-atmosphere glovebox (H2O and O2 < 1 ppm) using a StellarNet SilverNOVA spectroradiometer coupled with a fiber optic cable to a 6-inch integrating sphere. The spectrometer–integrating sphere system was calibrated using a NIST-traceable calibration lamp. The electrical characteristics of the LEDs were measured using a Keithley 2400 source–measure unit. The system was controlled using a home-built LabVIEW program to drive the LEDs and measure their current, voltage, and spectral output. LED lifetime was measured using a separate LabVIEW program.
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