©2023 Paula M. Trienens Institute for Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern.
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CAMEE Research Facilities
A list of the equipment available in CAMEE's research facilities includes the following:
- Five Vacuum Atmospheres Glove Boxes for moisture and air-sensitive chemistry.
- Thermogravimetric Analysis Equipment, Computer controlled Shimadzu TGA-50. Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Differential Thermal Analysis, Shimadzu DSC-50 and DTA-50.
- Two IPDS 2TSTOE single crystal X-ray diffractometers equipped with image plate detectors and low temperature data collection capability (down to 5K).
- Electrical resistivity equipment from MMR Technologies (temp. range 80-400 K).
- ULVAC ZEM-3, Seebeck Coefficient /Electrical Resistance Measuring System (range 300-1200 K).
- Home built Hall effect system for room temperature measurements.
- A home-built electrical conductivity (in-line four-probe) apparatus for measurements from 25-500 oC.
- Several Schlenk and High-vacuum lines for air and moisture sensitive material handling.
- Thirty five computer-controlled high temperature furnaces (1200 oC)
- Four vertical drop 3-zone Bridgman Furnaces (1200 oC).
- RF induction furnace.
- Three rocking furnaces (1200 oC).
- Arc welding station.
- Shimadzu UV/Vis Near-IR spectrophotometer for solids (for band-gap measurements)
- Biorad-Digilab FT-Raman Spectrometer.
- Two INEL position sensitive detector with computer control (Cu Ka radiation).
- Benchtop powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) instrument for qualitative and quantitative analysis of polycrystalline samples.
- Nicolet 740 wide range 15000-50 cm-1. Equipped with a high powered Spectra-Tech Olympus microscope for microsampling and reflectivity spectra of metallic samples. This spectrometer is used for band-gap determination of potential TE materials.
- Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Accelerated surface area and porosimetry analyzer. This instrument uses the gas sorption technique to generate high-quality data for research applications. The system includes the micropore option and the high-vac option. This instrument can easily obtain hydrogen adsorption isotherms. It allows users to collect isotherms by specifying absolute pressure targets, which are commonly used for hydrogen adsorption studies. The ASAP 2020 report system can provide pressure/composition isotherms.
- Dr. Sinter-Lab Spark Plasma Sintering System SPS-515 S with hydraulic press (up to 50 kN). Working temperature up to 2000 °C.
- Struers Accutom-50, accurate crystal cutting saw with speed range of 300-5000rpm.
- Home built melt-spinner for the preparation of chalcogenide glasses through rapid quenching of melts. This apparatus is inside an argon filled glovebox.
- Shimadzu GC-2014 Standard Capillary and Packed Gas Chromatograph
- Ion Chromatography unit equipped with IonPac® CS16 column for disparate concentration ratios.
- Hamamatsu 150 W xenon lamp unit.
- Several photochemical reactions equipped with Xe lamp and a variety of optical filters.
- DRIFTS spectra are acquired using a Nicolet 6700 infrared spectrometer equipped with a liquid nitrogen cooled MCT-B (mercury cadmium telluride) detector.