GIANTFab - COVID-19 Updates
GIANTFab is open to trained users with the following restrictions:
In order to accommodate the six foot distance rule, we will restrict the number of users to only one spincoater at a time, only one evaporator at a time, and only two people using the testing system, one at the glovebox and one at the computer.
All users will be asked to wear masks at all times in the facility. Disinfectant wipes will be provided and users will wipe down their glovebox gloves, the plexiglass window, and all control panels/computers after use. I will also wipe down all surfaces between users.
To accomodate users working shift schedules or who wish to work with as few other people around as possible, the facility will be open to all trained users during night and weekend hours. Off-hours users must bring someone else into the lab with them (maintaining a six-foot distance) to satisfy the rule against working alone. A direct phone number will be posted in the lab and anyone with a problem during off-hours use should call for assistance at any time.
Finally, we are piloting a sample drop-off/mail-in service for users who do not wish to come to the facility themselves. Users who want to use this service will pay all the same instrument and materials fees, in addition to operator time spent preparing and testing their devices. Details are available here.