Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling. “Domestic and overseas manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle energy and environmental comparative analysi. Solar Energy, 2014, 105, 669-678
Photoionization cross section of 1s orthoexcitons in cuprous oxide
Laszlo Frazer, Kelvin B. Chang, Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier, and John B. Ketterson. "Photoionization cross section of 1s orthoexcitons in cuprous oxide," Physical Review B, 2014, 89 (24), article 245203.
Mechanics of ultra-stretchable self-similar serpentine interconnects
Aniruddha Biswas, Donald Siegel, and David N. Seidman. “Compositional evolution of Q-phase precipitates in an aluminum alloy,” Acta Materialia, 2014, 75, 322-36.
Improving aging and creep resistance in a dilute Al-Sc alloy by microalloying with Si, Zr and Er
N. Q. Vo, D. C. Dunand, D. N. Seidman. "Improving aging and creep resistance in a dilute Al-Sc alloy by microalloying with Si, Zr and Er,” Acta Materialia, 2014, Vol 63, pp 73-85.
Mechanical behavior and strengthening mechanisms in ultrafine grain precipitation-strengthened aluminum alloy
KK Ma, H.M. Wen, T. Hu, T.D. Topping, D. Isheim, D.N. Seidman, E.J. Lavernia, J.M. Schoenung. "Mechanical behavior and strengthening mechanisms in ultrafine grain precipitation-strengthened aluminum alloy," Acta Materialia, 2013, 62 (1) pp. 141-155.
Improved uniformity in high-performance organic photovoltaics enabled by ( 3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane cathode functionalization
Kyle AA. Luck, Tejas A. Shastry, Stephen Loser, Gabriel Ogien, Tobin J. Marks, Mark C. Hersam. "Improved uniformity in high-performance organic photovoltaics enabled by (3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane cathode functionalization," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15 (48), p. 20966-20972.
Stochastic Programming Approach to Optimal Design and Operations of Integrated Hydrocarbon Biofuel and Petroleum Supply Chains