Daria L. Huang, Rodrigo Beltrán-Suito, Julianne M. Thomsen, Sara M. Hashmi, Kelly L. Materna, Stafford W. Sheehan, Brandon Q. Mercado, Gary W. Brudvig, and Robert H. Crabtree*. Inorg. Chem., 2016, 55 (5), 2427–2435.
Molecular Structure Controlled Transitions between Free-Charge Generation and Trap Formation in a Conjugated Copolymer Series
Bill Pandit, Nicholas E. Jackson, Tianyue Zheng, Thomas J. Fauvell, Eric F. Manley, Meghan Orr, Samantha Brown-Xu, Luping Yu*, and Lin X. Chen*. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016, 120 (8), 4189–4198.
Overcoming Short-Circuit in Lead-Free CH3NH3SnI3 Perovskite Solar Cells via Kinetically Controlled Gas-Solid Reaction Film Fabrication Process
Nanjia Zhou, Alexander S. Dudnik, Ting I. N. G. Li, Eric F. Manley, Thomas J. Aldrich, Peijun Guo, Hsueh-Chung Liao, Zhihua Chen, Lin X. Chen*, Robert P. H. Chang*, Antonio Facchetti*, Monica Olvera de la Cruz*, and Tobin J. Marks*. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (4), 1240–1251.
Electronic and nuclear contributions to time-resolved optical and X-ray absorption spectra of hematite and insights into photoelectrochemical performance