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Yip-Wah Chung
Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering (by courtesy)
- Ph.D. Physics, University of California at Berkeley, 1977
- M.Phil. Physics, University of Hong Kong, 1973
- B.S. Physics and Mathematics, University of Hong Kong, 1971
Research Interests
Our research is in the area of surface science, tribology, design and characterization of lubricant additives, hard coatings and alloys, as well as high throughput synthesis of multi-component systems.
Significant Recognition
- Fellow, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (2005)
- Innovative Research Award, ASME Tribology Division (2002)
- Fellow, American Vacuum Society (2000)
- National Storage Industry Consortium Technical Achievement Award (1999)
- Fellow, ASM International (1998)
- Visiting Fellow, Japan Society for Promotion of Science (1997)
- Ralph A. Teetor Engineering Educator Award (1991)
- ASME Tribology Division Best Paper Award (1990)
- Faculty Honor Roll (1990)
- Teacher of the Year in MSE (1986, 1991)
Significant Professional Service
- Member, Hong Kong Research Grants Council
- Member, University Grants Committee
- Editorial Board, Tribology Letters
- Editorial Board, Materials Science and Engineering R
- Secretary, AVS Advanced Surface Engineering Division Executive Committee
- Program Director, Civil and Mechanical Systems Division, National Science Foundation (2003-2005)
- Chair, AVS Advanced Surface Engineering Division (2004)
- American Vacuum Society Board of Directors (1/1998 - 12/1999)
- Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Tribology (1997-2003)
- Director, NSF/IUCRC Center for Engineering Tribology (1987-1992)