Oluwaseyi Balogun
Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Focus: Interested in understanding, predicting, and controlling the behavior of materials and structures through phonon transport measurements and modeling
R.P.H. (Bob) Chang
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Research Focus: Using light to control the synthesis and properties of polymers
Lin X. Chen
Department of Chemistry, Applied Physics Program
Research Focus: Dynamic structure-function correlations in light-matter interaction processes
Anis Contractor
Departments of Physiology and Neurobiology
Research Focus: Understanding synaptic and circuit dysfunction in neurodevelopmental disorders
Daniel Dombeck
Departments of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Neurology
Research Focus: Optical recordings of neurons during behavior to determine mechanisms of plasticity and firing
Danna Freedman
Department of Chemistry
Research Focus: Applying inorganic chemistry to challenges in physics
Franz Geiger
Department of Chemistry
Research Focus: Surface spectroscopy for sustainability, energy, and the environment
Todd Gingrich
Department of Chemistry
Research Focus: Theoretical study of the statistical mechanics of chemical systems driven away from equilibrium, including both numerical method development and analytical derivations of thermodynamic limits
Kimberly Gray
Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Chemical and Biological Engineering
Research Focus: Exploring the synthesis, characterization and testing of photoactive materials for energy and environmental applications
Mark Hersam
Departments of Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Applied Physics, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Focus: Exploring the synthesis, characterization, and application of nanoelectronic materials
Yonggang Huang
Departments of Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering
Research Focus: Mechanics of stretchable electronics, and mechanics-guided, deterministic 3D assembly
Joseph Hupp
Department of Chemistry
Research Focus: Design, synthesis and interrogation of molecule-derived light harvesting systems, and design, synthesis, and interrogation of heterogeneous catalysts, electrocatalysts, and photocatalysts with single-atom precision
Julia Kalow
Department of Chemistry
Research Focus: Using light to control the synthesis and properties of polymers
Neha Kamat
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Focus: Engineering bilayer membranes for biosensing and studying membrane-protein interactions
Jens Koch
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Applied Physics Program
Research Focus: Quantum information science with superconducting qubits and microwave photons
Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy
Department of Neurobiology
Research Focus: Neuromodulatory signaling in the vertebrate brain, with an emphasis on developing and applying laser-based imaging techniques and photochemistry
Prem Kumar
Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics and Astronomy
Research Focus: Quantum and nonlinear optics with applications in networked quantum communications, distributed quantum computing, imaging, sensing, and precision spectroscopy
Harold Kung
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Research Focus: Catalysis, energy and resource conservation, renewable energy
Keara Lane
Department of Molecular Biosciences
Research Focus: Investigating the dynamics of host-pathogen interactions in single cells
Michael Markl
Departments of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering
Research Focus: Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Tobin Marks
Departments of Chemistry, Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering
Research Focus: Design and realization of functional opto-electronic materials and devices
Andrew Miri
Department of Neurobiology
Research Focus: The neural mechanisms underlying motor control using an array of methods for the measurement and perturbation of neural activity in mice
Justin Notestein
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Research Focus: Heterogeneous catalysis and materials development
Teri Odom
Departments of Chemistry
Research Focus: Multi-scale nano-structured materials and nanophotonics
Arthur Prindle
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Research Focus: Understanding and engineering collective behaviors in microbial communities
Jeffrey Richards
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Research Focus: Designing and synthesizing soft materials for energy applications by tuning interactions to influence the structure and dynamics of the material building blocks
James Rondinelli
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Research Focus: Formulates design principles based on using mid-IR and THz fields to coherently excite a few lattice degrees-of-freedom with minimal dissipation for pico- to femtosecond control over structure-property relationships in solids
Richard Schaller
Department of Chemistry, Center for Nanoscale Materials (Argonne National Laboratory)
Research Focus: Preparing and investigating spectroscopic and physical properties of novel nanomaterial systems
George Schatz
Departments of Chemistry and Chemical and Biological Engineering
Research Focus: Theory as applied to optical phenomena, including excited states, photophysics, plasmonics, photonics and entangled photons
Karl Scheidt
Departments of Chemistry and Pharmacology (by courtesy)
Research Focus: The development and application of chemical methods to create new bioactive molecules for use in oncology and central nervous system disorders
Linsey Seitz
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Research Focus: Fundamental understanding of catalytic materials and reactions using tools at the interface of (photo)electrochemistry and spectroscopy for production of renewable fuels and chemicals
Nathaniel P. Stern
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Research Focus: Light-matter interactions in nanoscale materials in order to realize new opto-electronic phenomena
Igal Szleifer
Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Chemistry
Research Focus: Theory
Roel Tempelaar
Department of Chemistry
Research Focus: Understanding the electronic and optical properties of biologically relevant and emerging materials from quantum mechanical principles
Regan Thomson
Department of Chemistry
Research Focus: The synthesis of complex molecules with a particular interest in natural products, biosynthesis and atmospheric chemistry
Reza Vafabakhsh
Department of Molecular Biosciences
Research Focus: Visualizing information processing in biological systems
Dileep Varma
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Research Focus: Mechanisms that control chromosome segregation during mitosis and how defects in this process leads to aneuploidy and cancer
Gayle E. Woloschak
Departments of Radiation Oncology and Radiology
Research Focus: Radiobiology, bionanotechnology, radiation oncology, radiology
Hao F. Zhang
Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Ophthalmology
Research Focus: Tissue optical imaging from nanoscopic to microscopic scales